
Scenic Rim Regional Council and Boonah Aviation Incorporated have affirmed their commitment to ongoing operations at the Boonah Airfield for the next five years and the completion of a thorough review over that time period, to confirm arrangements that will best meet the interests of the community, airfield users and Council in the long term.

In a joint statement, Council and Boonah Airfield Incorporated and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia have reconfirmed that a new lease is being developed incorporating a new service level agreement, to improve communications and expectations, and acknowledged that there has been misinformation over the future of the Boonah Airfield circulating in the community in recent weeks. This lease will replace the current lease that expires in 2020.

In developing a new lease, both parties are seeking to resolve a number of legacy issues and shortcomings in the existing document.

Council and Boonah Airfield Incorporated will present a joint community forum in Boonah later this month to bring clarity concerning the future of the Boonah Airfield.

Mayor Greg Christensen said it was essential that the community understood the issues surrounding the Boonah Airfield.

"Council currently owns several parcels of land that are leased to Boonah Aviation Incorporated (BAI)," he said.

"BAI also has agreements with other landowners to use parts of their properties as part of the airfield.

"Council values this local airfield and its contribution within the local economy, and has been working with Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia (AOPA) and BAI to improve aspects of communications and governance surrounding the airfield's use."

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia Executive Director Benjamin Morgan thanked Scenic Rim Regional Council for its approach in helping resolve the Boonah Airfield concerns and said it was important that a strong working relationship existed between Council and the local aviation community.

"AOPA Australia is looking forward to continuing to work with Council and BAI to bring certainty for the future of the airport and its operations for the community," he said.

Boonah Aviation Incorporated President Mark Bahr said BAI was pleased with the outcome of this week's discussions with Council.

"Boonah Airfield is a valuable community infrastructure asset that facilitates critical disaster relief aviation services, such as aerial firefighting in times of need," he said.

"The airfield is also a centre for general aviation, sport and recreational flying, which provides technical trade employment opportunities for the region."

For further information about the Boonah Airfield, including the Operational Risk Review visit