Building siting variation application

A building boundary variation can also be called a siting variation. It is a prescribed area of a land parcel that cannot be built on unless dispensation is given by Council.

Application for a building siting variation

You will need to apply for a relaxation if you wish to build outside the setback requirements for the property. Setbacks are generally in accordance with the Queensland Development Code:

  • Front boundary - 6 metres
  • Side/rear boundary - 1.5 metres for single storey
  • Side/rear boundary - 2 metres for double storey

Building siting variation checklist

The Planning Scheme can also prescribe set back distances for certain areas of Scenic Rim Council area which may or may not include building envelopes.

If there is a building envelope on the property, you must build within the envelope or apply to build outside the building envelop - contact Council's Planning department to discuss further.