In late 2015, Council commissioned landscape architect John Mongard to work with the communities and traders of the Scenic Rim's major population centres - Boonah, Beaudesert and Tamborine Mountain, to develop town centre master plans guiding the future look and feel of these areas.
This process involved extensive consultation and engagement with the local community to capture ideas for improvements to these town centre areas which were conceptualised in the draft town centre master plans.
In 2017, the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects recognised the outcomes of this master planning project, which forms part of Council's Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages initiative, with an Award of Excellence in the field of Landscape Planning.
It described Vibrant Towns of the Scenic Rim as "a landmark project to create an integrated region of outstanding destinations focused on local culture and community life".
It is intended that similar master planning process will occur across other communities of the Scenic Rim in the future.