Flora and Fauna
About one-fifth of Queensland's plant species can be found within the Scenic Rim region. The McPherson Ranges are nationally recognised as a place of significant biodiversity. Rainforests of the Scenic Rim (Mt Barney and Lamington Plateau) are part of the Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves of Australia, a World Heritage listed area.
These reserves provide habitat for more than 200 rare or threatened plant and animal species. While the areas mentioned above are protected, the majority of vegetation and wildlife habitat is found on private land. Landowners have a role to play in ensuring that our wildlife continues to survive. Because of this, Council is seeking to work cooperatively with landowners to ensure protection of wildlife and vegetation.
Koalas are an Australian icon, and also one of our most beloved animals.
Unfortunately, koalas are endangered in Queensland, NSW and the ACT. Helping to maintain koala habitats across the Scenic Rim is crucial to their survival.
Use this page to learn more about koalas and how you can help them.
Flying-foxes are large flying mammals that feed on fruit, flowers, pollen and nectar. They are important to the environment through their essential role in the reproduction, regeneration and dispersal of plants across the landscape.
Four species of flying-foxes are native to mainland Australia. Three of these occur within the Scenic Rim.
- Black flying-fox (Pteropus alecto)
- Little red flying-fox (Pteropus scapulatus)
- Grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus)
All species of flying-foxes are protected under the Nature Conservation act 1994.The grey-headed flying-fox is also listed as “vulnerable” under the Commonwealth Environment and Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Black flying-fox Pteropus alecto (Photo: Judy Leitch)
Flying-Fox Management Strategy
The occurrence of a flying-fox roost can result in many different impacts on the local community. To manage these impacts, Scenic Rim Regional Council has developed a whole-of-shire strategy for the management of flying-foxes. The SRRC Flying-fox Management Strategy outlines Council's management intent for Flying-foxes in the Scenic Rim Region.