Complaints Management

If you wish to lodge a request for service or to provide feedback to Council regarding a public issue, please contact us. The information on this page is provided to assist persons wishing to make a formal complaint against Council.     

Council's Complaints Management Policy and Procedure outline Council's commitment to managing administrative complaints in a responsive, efficient, fair and economical way.

Our Commitment

Council recognises that properly handled and analysed complaints and feedback will help to improve its business processes. We endeavour to be complaints-friendly and will promote natural justice by investigating complaints as appropriate and conducting independent reviews of decisions where requested. 

Lodgement of Complaints

Complaints may be lodged with Council either:
By email -;
By fax - 07 5540 5103;
In writing - at a Customer Service Centre;
By letter - 

Chief Executive Officer,
Scenic Rim Regional Council,
PO Box 25, Beaudesert QLD 4285;

OR Verbally to a Councillor or to an on-duty Council Administrative Officer (subject to the below).

Verbal complaints will generally not be accepted in respect of:

  • Complaints of a complex or detailed nature which may require detailed investigation and analysis of the facts
  • Competitive Neutrality Complaints which in accordance with Section 45(1) of Local Government Regulation 2012 must be submitted in writing
  • Complaints about the performance of Councillors

Where requested, Council will provide appropriate assistance to persons with language or physical disabilities which inhibit their capacity to formally lodge a complaint.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Anonymous complaints will be accepted but anonymity may inhibit Council obtaining further particulars regarding the subject matter or providing feedback to the complainant.          

Intending complainants should note that Council may be obliged to disclose their personal details to an external body for investigation or under legal or statutory processes. Also a complainant's identity may become obvious to another party as a consequence of an investigation process or subsequent enforcement action.

Complaint Processes

Administrative Action Complaints

Administrative Action Complaints are complaints made by an affected person about administrative actions of Council, a Councillor or a Council Officer. These can relate to decisions, proposed decisions, recommendations, actions or inactions and will be managed in accordance with Council's Administrative Action Complaints Process. The Administrative Action Complaints Process is attached to Council's Complaints Management Policy.

Competitive Neutrality Complaints

A Competitive Neutrality Complaint is a complaint made by an affected person that Council has failed to conduct a business activity in accordance with the competitive neutrality principle, e.g. by utilising its position to compete unfairly with a business competitor. Complaints of this type will be managed in accordance with Council's Competitive Neutrality Complaints Process.  The Competitive Neutrality Complaints Process is attached to Council's Complaints Management Policy.

Corrupt Conduct Complaints

Corrupt conduct is defined in Chapter 1 Part 4 Division 2 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001. Council will deal with any complaint, information or matter received involving corrupt conduct or suspected corrupt conduct by a Councillor or Council officer in accordance with its Corrupt Conduct Complaints Process. The Corrupt Conduct Complaints Process is attached to Council's Complaints about the Public Official Policy.

Complaints of Misconduct or Inappropriate Conduct by Councillors

The Queensland Independent Assessor assesses and investigates Councillor conduct complaints relating to conduct which is suspected inappropriate conduct or misconduct. Details of how to make a complaint can be obtained from the Queensland Government webpage Office of the Independent Assessor. 

All complaints made directly to Council which may be a Councillor Conduct Complaint must be referred to the Assessor in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2009. Suspected inappropriate conduct of Councillors that is referred to Council to deal with by the Independent Assessor will be dealt with in accordance with Council's Investigation Policy 

Due to legislative changes, which commenced on 3 December 2018, Council must maintain a Councillor Conduct Register. This register includes orders about unsuitable meeting conduct, decisions about suspected inappropriate conduct, decisions about misconduct, conduct complaints dismissed by the Assessor, and decisions by the Assessor to take no further action.


COUNCILLOR CONDUCT REGISTER: 3 December 2018 - March 2020

From 2010 to 2 December 2018, Council was required to keep a Record of Written Complaints about Councillor Conduct or Performance. This record has been superseded by the Councillor Conduct Register.


Complaints of Improper Conduct by Council Employees

Complaints of improper conduct (e.g. inappropriate acceptance of gifts) or misuse of information by Council employees should be referred to Council's Chief Executive Officer. Where appropriate, the Chief Executive Officer or Manager Human Resources may commence disciplinary proceedings in accordance with Council's Staff Formal Disciplinary Procedure.

Privacy Complaints

A person who considers that Council has not dealt with their personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 may make a Privacy Complaint to Council. Information regarding the process for making privacy complaints is included in Council's Information Privacy Plan.