Sports clubs

Sporting groups throughout the Scenic Rim are being encouraged to run with the ball to make the most of Council's $100,000 Sport and Recreation Grants Program in 2019-20.

Council's Budget offers grant funding to support local groups to undertake infrastructure or facility improvements or purchase equipment. The grants program also provides scope for eligible projects to leverage funding for larger infrastructure grants that include the purchase of construction materials or field or surface upgrades.

Mayor Greg Christensen encouraged clubs to view Council's Sport and Active Recreation Grants Program as a potential source of seed funding which could help organisations reap additional infrastructure grants.

"We know that the relatively small amount we provide to individual sporting and recreational groups generates many times that value for our region, both economically and socially," he said.

Cr Christensen said Council's funding for sporting and recreational groups, which relied heavily on volunteers, supported the shared Community Plan vision for the Scenic Rim as a region of healthy, engaged and resourceful communities.

"Sporting and recreational groups are a vital part of the social fabric of our region and these grants are an investment in strengthening our communities and encouraging residents to embrace a healthier and more active lifestyle," he said.

"I encourage sporting and recreational groups to make the most of this funding opportunity which will add value to our communities throughout the region."