Council Makes it a Date for 2018

Scenic Rim residents who are looking forward to next month's Ekka day off can mark their calendars for next year's Royal Queensland Show public holiday.

At its Ordinary Meeting this week, Council nominated Monday 10 August 2020 for the Scenic Rim's public holiday for next year's Royal Queensland Show, better known as the Ekka.

Mayor Greg Christensen said the Ekka has special significance for the Scenic Rim region, where agriculture underpins the region's identity and local economy.

"The Ekka is renowned for bringing rural Queensland to Brisbane city and for many of our farmers, graziers and equestrians who are involved with the show, as well as families and school children, it is a highlight of the year," he said.

"It also provides a showcase for the Scenic Rim's tourism and agriculture industries which contribute more than $630 million collectively to our regional economy, and the annual show holiday allows families to enjoy the show together and to connect with members of our rural community who grow our produce."

This year's Royal Queensland Show runs from 9 to 18 August, with Scenic Rim's public holiday to be taken on Monday 12 August 2019.

Once again, Scenic Rim Regional Council will be showcasing the region's tourism industry and produce at its Ekka stand, featuring Visit Scenic Rim and Eat Local Scenic Rim.

"I hope everyone who visits the Ekka drops by our colourful display in the Agriculture Hall to say gidday to our staff and to pick up some of our great give-aways," Cr Christensen said.

"In addition to the perennially popular carrot shopping bags, we will be giving away eco-friendly cow and tomato-shaped bags, although you will have to be quick as stocks are limited."