
A Scenic Rim enterprise will be at the forefront of an innovative waste-to-energy program following the Queensland Government's announcement of a $500,000 grant for a biogas-solar power plant at Bromelton. 

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen welcomed the announcement of the funding for BE Power Solutions, part of the AJ Bush & Sons rendering facility at Bromelton, which is one of six new biofutures projects collectively valued at more than $22 million to be delivered in Queensland.  

"This announcement positions our region as an innovator in waste management, converting waste into energy that will not only supply the AJ Bush facility but also feed power into the electricity grid," he said. 

"Bioenergy is the way of the future and has great potential to reduce carbon emissions and create a more sustainable energy solution. 

"As a region that prides itself on having one of world's most magnificent agricultural and environmental footprints, we have an obligation to ensure we are working for a sustainable future."  

AJ Bush & Sons Manager David Kassulke said it was an exciting time for the Scenic Rim in the renewable energy field. 

"We are very appreciative of the support of Council and the State Government in driving new industry at the Bromelton State Development Area," he said. 

"AJ Bush is already known for its commitment to renewable energy, having been recognised by the Climate Action Alliance in 2014 for our efforts to reduce emissions. 

"In the past four-and-a-half years we have reduced emissions by 58 per cent and now generate 40 per cent of our electricity on site with the potential to increase this to 80 per cent. 

"This is the biggest rendering plant in Australia and we see a bigger future for us in bioenergy than rendering." 

On Wednesday, Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick announced $1.9 million of grants from the Queensland Waste to Biofutures Fund for six businesses and universities, whose innovative projects will turn waste streams into high-value bioproducts with environmental benefits. 

“Queensland is leading the way when it comes to turning waste streams into high-value bioproducts with environmental benefits,” he said. 

“These six projects will create biogas, syngas and fertiliser replacements, and energy to run industrial plants and charge electric vehicles, but most importantly they’ll create more jobs for Queenslanders. 

“Through this first tranche of grants $1.9 million has been awarded to six businesses and universities innovating in the waste-to-bioproducts space, with around 85 jobs to be created during construction and operation of the projects. 

 “The Palaszczuk Government is committed to creating a $1 billion sustainable and export-oriented industrial biotechnology and bioproducts sector here in Queensland that promotes investment and supports jobs.”