Row of books

Communities across the Scenic Rim will have access to a new and improved mobile library service in the coming year.

At the Ordinary Meeting this week Council approved a flexible library service that will better serve the needs of the community, replacing the large mobile library trailer service, which ceased in July as it reached the end of its service life.

Mayor Greg Christensen said Council had listened to community feedback over the past few months and was pleased the new service would offer contemporary library services across the region that better reflects community needs.

"Through our consultation with the community, many people understood that we needed to reshape our services, and were keen to see more flexibility in the services we offer.

"One of the great advantages is the new service will include a smaller multi-purpose van, which means it can be driven with a Class C drivers licence and parked almost anywhere.

"This new service allows for the introduction of additional visits to other institutions such as schools, day care centres and nursing homes, which our communities raised as an important service in the survey," Cr Christensen said.

"The van will also provide the community with access to mobile WiFi, laptops and printers, and being smaller in size, it will be quicker to set down and pack up, which allows Council to increase the number of locations visited.

"Services at Hillview will change to school holiday activities and other special occasions rather than regular visits due to declining usage. However, Council will review this arrangement based on patronage and feedback from the community."

Councillor Christensen said Council also intends to use the new mobile library service as an opportunity to enrich engagement with residents across its communities.

"Council Officers will be able to travel with the van and use the visits to help inform communities about services including preparing for disasters, educational programs on waste management and the environment and learning about Council's healthy and active lifestyle programs,” he said.

Following the approval of the new service at this week's Ordinary Meeting, a new multi-purpose van will be purchased and customised to host a small travelling collection of library items. Council will continue to keep the community updated on this project and will communicate the new timetable before the program is ready to launch.