Burnt paddock in Scenic Rim

Scenic Rim primary producers impacted by last year's bushfires have finally been recognised as eligible for bushfire recovery funding.

Following yesterday's joint announcement from The Honourable David Littleproud, Federal Minister for Emergency Management and The Honourable Mark Furner, Queensland Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries, Scenic Rim Regional Council Mayor Greg Christensen said it was great news for the region's primary producers.

"This is fabulous news for our primary producers who were impacted by the bushfires late last year, and are now finally eligible to access the $75,000 grant funding through the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

"We will be communicating directly with those affected and help support them through the application process," said Cr Christensen.

"We are grateful that our region has been included in the announcement as many of our primary producers are still hurting financially and economically from the bushfires.

"I am pleased we are now seeing the results from our ongoing lobbying efforts, and am also thankful for the support from local Federal Member Scott Bulchholz," Cr Christensen said.

"We are also appreciate ongoing support for our impacted communities from the Premier of Queensland and Queensland Reconstruction Authority."

More information about the funding is available from Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority who can be contacted on freecall 1800 623 946 or by email contact_us@qrida@qld.gov.au