
Funding opportunities for initiatives that contribute to the health and well-being of the community, preserve and enhance the natural environment and enrich the region’s cultural life are now available through Scenic Rim Regional Council’s grants program.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said he was pleased to announce that applications were now open for the Scenic Rim Community Grants, Environmental Grants and the new Regional Events Program.

“Each of these grants programs offers unique benefits for the Scenic Rim by supporting grassroots community groups, not-for-profit sporting and active recreational organisations, as well as those engaged in environmental activities or staging events which contribute to the vibrancy of our communities and our local economy,” he said.

The new-look Community Grants Program has been broadened to combine sport and active recreation grants with community grants to provide a wider range of funding opportunities for applicants.

“Council appreciates the value that grassroots community groups and not-for-profit sporting and recreational organisations add to our communities and how they contribute to the liveability of the Scenic Rim,” Cr Christensen said.

The new Regional Events Program supports large-scale events, aligned with the character and culture of Scenic Rim communities, and which have the potential to attract substantial numbers of visitors and demonstrate economic benefits to the region.

It provides funding and in-kind support from Council for a broad range of destination-driven events for example arts and cultural events, major festivals and sporting events, significant industry expos and shows.

“I am excited by the program’s potential, not only to enhance the enviable lifestyle we enjoy in the Scenic Rim but also to boost our local economy and build on our region’s strong artistic and cultural base,” Cr Christensen said.

The Scenic Rim’s spectacular scenery and natural environment is supported through Council’s Environmental Grants Program.

“This program assists landowners, community groups and schools who all play an invaluable role in protecting our region's world-class biodiversity and the many rare and threatened species with which we share our stunning environment,” Cr Christensen said.

“Previously, projects have helped to enhance the habitat of endangered native species, restore waterway areas, provide nesting boxes for wildlife, undertake weed control and revegetate degraded areas.

“Although our region is home to many large national parks, much of the Scenic Rim’s remaining native habitat is found on private property, so its protection is very much a partnership between Council and the community.”

Applications for Council’s 2020-21 Environmental Grants Program and Community Grants Program are now open and close on Friday 28 August.

Applications for funding through the Regional Events Program can be submitted throughout the year.

All of Council’s grant application processes will be streamlined as Council transitions to SmartyGrants, an online grants management platform which eliminates the need for paper-based applications.

It offers the benefit of greater efficiencies for Council as well as grant applicants and is used by many Australian and Queensland Government departments and local governments.

“I encourage the community to make the most of the funding opportunities available and I look forward to seeing the many exciting and innovative projects that Council’s various grants programs will support,” Cr Christensen said.

For further information on the funding opportunities available through the grants program, visit Council’s website