Budget boost enables Council to grant even more community wishes

Image of mural being painted by community members

Community groups add vibrancy to the Scenic Rim Region

Scenic Rim Regional Council will increase its investment in community organisations by boosting funding for Community Grants by more than 35 per cent in its 2022-2023 Budget.

Council's budget allocation for its Community Grants Program has increased to $400,000 in the coming year, from $295,000 in 2021-2022, to continue supporting the vital role that community groups play in the Scenic Rim region.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the grant funding increase acknowledged the value of supporting grassroots community and not-for-profit groups, as well as not-for-profit sporting and recreational organisations that contribute significantly to the lifestyle and liveability enjoyed in the Scenic Rim.

"Our community grants represent an investment in events and organisations which help to achieve the shared Community Plan vision for healthy, engaged and resourceful communities in the Scenic Rim," he said.

Division 2 Councillor and Deputy Mayor Jeff McConnell said that the region's various community and not-for-profit groups are essential to support a growing population.

"Local organisations, which rely heavily on volunteers, provide a wide range of programs and activities that enrich the cultural life of our region, contribute to the health and well-being of our community and make the Scenic Rim a great place to live.

"These groups are the heart and soul of our towns and villages, and their volunteers continually go the extra mile to help make a positive difference to community life."

In 2020, Council streamlined its grants program by consolidating grants for community organisations and sporting and active recreational groups under the umbrella of one Community Grants Program to deliver greater benefits to the region.

Recognising that community and sporting groups often share the same facilities and have common goals, the Community Grants Program has enabled Council's support of a wider range of community initiatives and projects.

"This consolidated and flexible format, which has been welcomed by the community will continue, with groups able to apply for Minor Grants up to $5,000 to offset costs associated with delivering community-led projects or Major Grants up to $20,000 for maintenance or improvement to community facilities," Mayor Christensen said.

In addition to direct funding through its Community Grants Program, Council also provides in-kind support to local not-for-profit organisations, for subsidised use of Council's Community and Cultural Centres and waste bins for local community events.

"These groups bring our communities together through events and activities that celebrate our identity, culture and diversity and are well worthy of our support," Mayor Christensen said.

Round 1 of the 2022-2023 Community Grants Program will open on Monday 18 July 2022.

Learn more about the 2022 - 2023 Budget at www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au