New plan a game changer for sport and recreation

sport and recreation

The Plan will play a crucial role in shaping the Scenic Rim's sport and recreation landscape over the next decade, aligning Council’s investment and service strategies with community needs, and providing a valuable resource to inform future funding opportunities. 

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the Plan demonstrated Council's dedication to meeting the requirements of its expanding and diverse region.

“With a population older than the state’s average, Council has identified a growing need for low-impact physical activities and casual sport and recreation opportunities throughout the Scenic Rim,” he said. 

“The Sport and Recreation Plan 2023-2033 is a comprehensive, modernised strategy which will guide our efforts in this space, delivering sustainable and inclusive sport and active recreation programs over the next 10 years,” he said. 

Sports and Recreation Portfolio Councillor Marshall Chalk said Council was determined to drive the future growth of the Scenic Rim’s sporting community from now until well beyond the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. 

“We are excited to host the rowing and canoeing events for the 2032 Games at our beautiful Wyaralong Dam,” he said. 

“However, it is necessary for Council to think broader than this event and its significant legacy and ensure that we have the framework in place to secure strong opportunities now for the region’s future.

“We are confident that with the community's assistance through this consultation we will deliver a strong Sport and Recreation Plan and Council will gain support from other levels of Government to bring forward tangible solutions to some of our sport and recreational needs moving forward.

"This will lead to higher quality infrastructure, more opportunities for increased participation and being able to address legacy issues."

Mayor Christensen said the Plan aligned with Council’s overarching publications including the Corporate Plan 2026, the Growth Management Strategy, the Health and Wellbeing Plan, and the Nature-Based Tourism Strategy. 

“Council will seek community feedback on the draft Sport and Recreation Plan 2023-2033 early next year via its Let’s Talk Scenic Rim online platform,” he said. 

“We want to ensure that our residents’ needs and desires are heard in this space and incorporated into the Plan.”