Capital works program reflects region's continuing growth

Image of roadworks

Scenic Rim Regional Council is continuing to hone its infrastructure investment planning to meet the needs of the region's continuing growth. 

Working towards the 2024-2025 Budget, Council at its Ordinary Meeting today endorsed the 2024-2034 Capital Works Program for planning purposes, grant applications and future budget considerations. 

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said an annual review of Council's capital works program was essential to ensure a healthy balance between infrastructure investment and the level of service delivery to the community. 

"Planning for investment in improved facilities and assets is vital in ensuring we remain a progressive region," he said. 

"Council is committed to the financially sustainable management of its infrastructure assets and has a number of initiatives underway or under development to further enhance its planning for current and future needs." 

Council's Local Government Infrastructure Plan provides a strategic vision for the region's growth and the delivery of trunk infrastructure required for stormwater, public parks, land for community facilities and the local transport network and used to inform the development of Council's 10-year Capital Works Program.  

Council continues to invest in ensuring the right infrastructure investment occurs this is achieved through further enhanced plans. Examples of such plans include the integrated transport plan and the delivery of an active transport plan in key areas. 

The recent assessment of the condition of Council's network of sealed an unsealed roads and its footpaths and kerb and channel will continue to form the basis for the development of the renewal investment needs of these assets over the next 10 years. 

As Council strives to optimise investment in infrastructure and service delivery, it has engaged Queensland Treasury Corporation to assist in developing a tool that will assist in an updated prioritisation of projects on agreed criteria and weightings. 

The Scenic Rim's Active Transport, Roads, Bridges and Footpaths Portfolio Councillor Virginia West said economic instability, rising inflation, and labour and supply chain issues has presented and will continue to present major challenges for Council in its long-term capital works planning. 

"The funding gap between the Long-Term Financial Plan and the revised program of works will inform the decisions that will need to be made in relation to Council's investment in both new and existing infrastructure while ensuring its financial sustainability," she said. 

"Council continues to strive to balance long-term financial sustainability against increasing community expectations for infrastructure improvements in an environment of rising costs and falling levels of government funding.” 

"The 10-year Capital Works Program aims to provide best value for money to the community through infrastructure that will meet the needs of our growing region well into the future."