Council forms a duo to reprise popular music event

The Long Sunset to be staged in November, is expected to attract an audience of 6000, boosting the local economy through additional overnight stays.
Scenic Rim Regional Council has partnered with QMF to deliver The Long Sunset 2024, reprising an event which has brought more visitors and increased spending to the Scenic Rim while raising the region's profile.
At its Ordinary Meeting today, Council approved sponsorship of $150,000 for QMF to host The Long Sunset and additional expenditure of $20,000 for a destination-led campaign to capitalise on opportunities to boost visitor numbers and their length of stay in the region.
The Long Sunset was staged in 2022 and 2023 at Elysian Fields outside Canungra with the 2023 event attracting an audience of more than 2250 and generating more than $296,000 in publicity reaching more than five million people.
QMF is in its second year of delivering its one-of-a- kind concept, the Queensland Music Trails, a program of six annual trails exploring the wonders of Queensland through curated itineraries of music events in spectacular and surprising settings.
QMF CEO Daryl Raven said The Long Sunset 2024 would be a key feature of The Scenic Rim Trail.
“The Long Sunset is one of our most popular events, developing a cult following over 2022 and 2023, with enthusiastic event-goers having seen the likes of Angus and Julia Stone, Ball Park Music, Lime Cordiale and Winston Surfshirt performing against the backdrop of expansive greenery and mountains," he said.
“We are incredibly privileged to be in a position to collaborate with Scenic Rim Regional Council and the Queensland Government, to deliver an event unlike anything else, ensuring event-goers come for the music and stay for the destination and cultural immersion.”
Following a detailed outcomes report and independent research commissioned by Tourism and Events Queensland, Council negotiated a partnership with QMF and applied to Tourism and Events Queensland for funding under the Queensland Destination Events Program.
The Long Sunset, to be held from 1 November at Elysian Fields, is expected to attract an audience of 6000, boosting the local economy through additional overnight stays.
Staging the event is expected to cost around $1.3 million which will be funded through ticket sales, grants and sponsorship, with any remainder to be underwritten by QMF.