A new policy to streamline development assessments will save time and money for both Scenic Rim Regional Council and members of the business and wider community.
The policy, Providing Draft Conditions for Development Assessment and its supporting guideline adopted at this week's Ordinary Meeting of Council, will enable development assessment planners to issue draft conditions for an approval prior to issuing a formal decision notice.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the adoption of this policy reflects Council's commitment to better meet the needs of its customers and improving processes by avoiding potential delays that restrict business and impact on the local economy.
"This is about clarifying the conditions around a development application before a decision notice is formally issued so that any discrepancies can be resolved, potentially allowing the development to commence without having to enter into a negotiation process that costs Council and the applicant time and money," he said.
"It will also improve communication between Council and applicants, including those developers with minor development applications."
Cr Christensen said the introduction of the new policy would not mean a relaxation of process in assessing development applications.
"We will continue to impose conditions where these are considered necessary to protect the community and the environment," he said.
"The ultimate aim of this policy is to improve efficiencies and avoid unnecessary costs and delays, for both Council and applicants, in progressing development proposals while ensuring that appropriate planning outcomes are achieved."