New entry requirements for Council's Cultural and Community Centres

To meet the Queensland Government's Public Health Directives as of Friday 17 December 2021, patrons visiting some of Council venues will be subject to new entry requirements.
Vaccination is required for:
- The Centre Beaudesert
- Boonah Cultural Centre
- Beaudesert Visitor Information Centre and Café
No vaccination is required for:
- Administration and Customer Service Centres at Beaudesert, Tamborine Mountain and Boonah
- Libraries at Beaudesert, Boonah, Canungra and Tamborine Mountain
- Community centres and halls such as The Vonda Youngman Community Centre (density limits will continue to apply, proof of vaccination is at the discretion of hirers)
- Indoor and outdoor swimming pools (density limits will continue to apply)
- Waste Transfer Stations at Central (Bromelton), Canungra, Tamborine Mountain, Boonah, Rathdowney, Peak Crossing and Kalbar
- Council caravan parks and camp grounds
- Visitor Information Centres at Boonah, Canungra, Rathdowney and Tamborine Mountain
- Parks
- Public amenities
Council will make further announcements in due course in accordance with Government's COVID-19 health directives.
All individuals (patrons, employees, artists, performers, crew, contractors and suppliers (16+ years) entering the venues listed as requiring proof of vaccination or certified medical exemption will need to check in via the Check-In Qld App.
To avoid congestion on entry all patrons are urged to add their COVID-19 Digital Certificate, Immunisation History Statement from Medicare, linked to their Check-In Qld App on their phones before they arrive.
Alternatively, people can show employees, on entry, a hardcopy of their COVID-19 Digital Certificate or Immunisation History Statement from Medicare.
Certified medical exemptions will be accepted and are also required to be uploaded/linked to the Check-In Qld App or Immunisation History Statement from Medicare.
For information on how to add your COVID-19 digital certificate to the Check in Qld app go to: Add your proof of vaccination status | Queensland Government (
Questions regarding mandatory vaccines should be directed to Queensland Health. Check the Queensland Health website for more information