Scenic rim farm box group 425 x 280

Scenic Rim Farm Box, a farm to fridge pivot developed to help fill the gap following the cancellation of Scenic Rim Eat Local Week, has delivered a bounty of benefits to local businesses.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council had supported local producers with the initiative as part of its Economic Stimulus Package in response to the COVID-19 restrictions on large gatherings.

"The Scenic Rim Farm Box was launched rapidly in April and has generated nearly $300,000 in direct economic stimulus to the local Scenic Rim economy through jobs and revenue to suppliers, vehicle hire and equipment," Cr Christensen said.

"This is a great achievement in a little more than two months, with the project generating 18 direct casual jobs, which is equivalent for 10 full-time positions, and also the additional indirect jobs supported by the 40 businesses, which supply produce to the operation.

"While our local farmers and producers are benefiting, other beneficiaries include our local builders, drivers, box packers, uniform providers and sign writers, and of course the Scenic Rim's strong brand as a region of fine produce."

Scenic Rim Farm Box Co-ordinator Gen Windley affirmed the benefits for the region saying strong demand has translated to real and immediate opportunities for local Scenic Rim businesses and residents.

"Since the launch, we’ve made more than 2,000 deliveries and now have more than 40 suppliers and offer over 160 different products," said Ms Windley.

"For many Scenic Rim producers and makers, the Scenic Rim Farm Box has enabled them to maintain sales during a time when their farmgate was forced to close; their restaurant and hospitality orders dried up; and their restaurants and cafes were unable to trade.

“Our staff uniforms have been supplied by Maynards Store Boonah and Modern Graphics. The Butcher Co. Boonah & Kalbar and Scenic Rim 4Real Milk at Tamrookum are providing vans and some delivery drivers with Kalfresh providing the packing warehouse and cool room.

"A highlight of the project has been the handmade timber returnable crates, developed by Mick Sawatski and Owen Rasmussen at Ozline Timbers in Boonah. Since launch Ozline, and a second team from CF&JE Miles Builders have built nearly 1,800 timber boxes.

“The feedback from customers when they receive our crates is amazing. They can’t believe the freshness and quality of our produce.

“The Scenic Rim Farm Box has also emerged as a powerful and tangible promotional tool for the entire region. As restrictions have lifted many of our customers have jumped in their cars and driven to the region to visit the producers whose produce and products they have been enjoying in the box.”

While the Scenic Rim Farm Boxes have been widely and warmly welcomed by customers in Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Redlands and the Gold Coast, Ms Windley said they are now available to Scenic Rim residents.

"Due to popular demand, Scenic Rim Farm Box is now available to parts of the Scenic Rim with the first local deliveries being made this week to coincide with what would have marked the start of the 10th annual Scenic Rim Eat Local Week festival," she said.

Mayor Greg Christensen said Scenic Rim Farm Box was one of many ways for locals to support local producers.

“This year we can’t celebrate with the usual jam-packed program of events and festivals, however lucky for us here in the Scenic Rim there are still plenty of ways to enjoy the produce of our beautiful region.

“Make sure you follow Scenic Rim Eat Local Week on Facebook and Instagram for even more great opportunities to eat local right now, and put 26 June to 4 July, 2021 in your diaries for the 10th anniversary of Scenic Rim Eat Local Week," he said.

The farm shop opens at 3.00pm on Fridays and orders close 8.00am Monday for deliveries on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Local residents can use the postcode checker on the website to see if the Scenic Rim Farm Box is available in their suburb   

Producers interested in supplying to Scenic Rim Farm Box should email


Scenic Rim Farm Box by the numbers:

Since launch more than 2,000 home deliveries have been made to customers in Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich, Redlands and the Gold Coast, who have enjoyed approximately:

  • 4,500 sausages
  • 6,200 rashers of bacon
  • 3,800 cobs of corn
  • 2,500 litres of fresh milk
  • 1,700 serves of cheese (cow, sheep & camel!)
  • 1,500 pies
  • 1,000 bunches of beetroot
  • 800 heads of broccoli

Scenic rim farm box group photo

Image: Scenic Rim Farm Box Group Photo L-R

Theresa Scholl (Valley Pride Produce), Kane Lutter (The Butcher Co), Lindsay Yong-Gee (Lovetts @ Kalbar), Mike Webster (Scenic Rim Brewery), Owen Rasmussen (Ozline Timber), Caz Osborne (Kooroomba Gully), Dan Groneberg (Kooroomba Lavender Farm & Vineyard), Kate Raymont (Scenic Rim Farm Box and Scenic Rim Regional Food Ambassador), Steph Turner (Riverdale Herbs), Mick Sawatski (Ozline Timber), Mitchell Brimblecombe (Moira Farming), James Turner (Riverdale Herbs)